Last Updated On 31-Jan-2025
Effective Date 01-Aug-2022
This Privacy Policy describes the policies of
Innitech IT s.r.o.,
Veľká okružná 17,
010 01,
email: info@innitech.de,
phone: +421911532701
on the collection,
use and disclosure of your information that we collect
when you use our website ( https://www.innitech.de ).
(the “Service”). By accessing or using
Service, you are consenting to the collection, use and
disclosure of your information in accordance with this
Privacy Policy. If you do not consent to the same,
please do not access or use the Service.
We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time without
any prior notice to you and will post the revised
Privacy Policy on the Service. The revised Policy will
be effective 180 days from when the
revised Policy is posted in the Service and your
continued access or use of the Service after such time
will constitute your acceptance of the revised Privacy
Policy. We therefore recommend that you periodically
review this page.
We will collect and process the following
personal information about you:
We will use the information that we collect
about you for the following purposes:
If we want to use your information for any other
purpose, we will ask you for consent and will
use your information only on receiving your
consent and then, only for the purpose(s) for
which grant consent unless we are required to do
otherwise by law.
We will retain your personal information with us
90 days to 2 years after user accounts remain idle
or for as
long as we need it to fulfill the purposes for
which it was collected as detailed in this
Privacy Policy. We may need to retain certain
information for longer periods such as
record-keeping / reporting in accordance with
applicable law or for other legitimate reasons
like enforcement of legal rights, fraud
prevention, etc. Residual anonymous information
and aggregate information, neither of which
identifies you (directly or indirectly), may be
stored indefinitely.
Depending on the law that applies, you may have
a right to access and rectify or erase your
personal data or receive a copy of your personal
data, restrict or object to the active
processing of your data, ask us to share (port)
your personal information to another entity,
withdraw any consent you provided to us to
process your data, a right to lodge a complaint
with a statutory authority and such other rights
as may be relevant under applicable laws. To
exercise these rights, you can write to us at
We will respond to your
request in accordance with applicable law.
You may opt-out of direct marketing
communications or the profiling we carry out for
marketing purposes by writing to us at
Do note that if you do not allow us to collect
or process the required personal information or
withdraw the consent to process the same for the
required purposes, you may not be able to access
or use the services for which your information
was sought.
To learn more about how we use these
and your choices in relation to these tracking
technologies, please refer to our
Cookie Policy.
The security of your information is important to
us and we will use reasonable security measures
to prevent the loss, misuse or unauthorized
alteration of your information under our
control. However, given the inherent risks, we
cannot guarantee absolute security and
consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the
security of any information you transmit to us
and you do so at your own risk.
If you have any queries or concerns about the
processing of your information that is available
with us, you may email our Grievance Officer at
innitech IT s.r.o.,
Veľká okružná 17,
email: info@innitech.de.
We will address your concerns in accordance with applicable law.
Privacy Policy generated with CookieYes.
This privacy policy clarifies users about the nature, scope, and purposes of the collection and use of personal data by the responsible provider, Innitech IT s.r.o., at info@innitech.de, +49 2204 706 00 55, on this website (hereinafter „service“).
The legal bases of data protection are found in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG).
The provider (or its web space provider) collects data on every access to the service (so-called server log files). Access data includes:
The provider uses the log data only for statistical evaluations for the purpose of operation, security, and optimization of the service. However, the provider reserves the right to subsequently check the log data if there is a justified suspicion of illegal use based on concrete evidence.
Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person, i.e., data that can be traced back to a person. This includes the name, email address, or telephone number. But also data about preferences, hobbies, memberships, or which websites were viewed by someone are personal data.
Personal data are only collected, used, and passed on by the provider if this is legally permitted or if the users consent to the data collection.
When contacting the provider (for example, via contact form or email), the user’s details are stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry as well as in case there are any follow-up questions.
With the newsletter, we inform you about us and our offers.
If you would like to receive the newsletter, we require a valid email address from you as well as information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the specified email address or that the owner agrees to receive the newsletter. No further data is collected. This data will only be used for sending the newsletter and will not be passed on to third parties.
Upon registration for the newsletter, we also store your IP address and the date of registration. This storage is solely for the purpose of proving in case a third party abuses an email address and signs up for the newsletter without the knowledge of the rightful owner.
You can revoke your consent to the storage of the data, the email address, and their use for sending the newsletter at any time. The revocation can be made via a link in the newsletters themselves, in your profile area, or by notifying the above contact options.
It may happen that content from third parties, such as YouTube videos, maps from Google Maps, RSS feeds, or graphics from other websites are integrated within this online service. This always presupposes that the providers of this content (hereinafter referred to as „third-party providers“) perceive the IP address of the users. Without the IP address, they could not send the content to the browser of the respective user. The IP address is therefore necessary for the presentation of this content. We strive to use only those contents whose respective providers use the IP address solely for the delivery of the content. However, we have no influence if the third-party providers store the IP address, e.g., for statistical purposes. As far as we know, we will inform users about it.
Cookies are small files that enable storing specific device-related information on the users‘ access device (PC, smartphone, etc.). They serve the user-friendliness of websites and thus the users (e.g., storing login data). They are also used to collect statistical data on website usage and analyze them to improve the offer. Users can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option that restricts or completely prevents the storage of cookies. However, it is pointed out that the use, and especially the convenience of use, without cookies may be limited.
You can manage many online ad cookies from companies via the US site http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ or the EU site http://www.youronlinechoices.com/uk/your-ad-choices/.
Effective Date: 31-Jan-2025
Last Updated: 31-Jan-2025
You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.
In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.
Chrome: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/32050
Safari: https://support.apple.com/en-in/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/how-to-delete-cookie-files-in-internet-explorer-bca9446f-d873-78de-77ba-d42645fa52fc
If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.
To ensure that data entered into our forms is provided by humans and not by automated bots, we use the “Google reCAPTCHA” service (version 3). The provider of this service is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as “Google”).
Google reCAPTCHA analyzes various characteristics to determine whether a form entry is made by a human or an automated program. This analysis starts automatically when you visit the website where reCAPTCHA is enabled. The analysis evaluates information such as IP address, time spent on the website, and mouse movements. The collected data is transmitted to Google.
The reCAPTCHA analysis runs entirely in the background and is largely invisible to the user. We have a legitimate interest in protecting our website from abusive automated access and SPAM (legal basis: Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).
Further information about Google reCAPTCHA and Google’s Privacy Policy can be found at:
Ihr Datenschutz ist uns wichtig. Diese Datenschutzerklärung erklärt, wie wir Ihre personenbezogenen Daten sammeln, verwenden und schützen, wenn Sie unsere Dienste nutzen.
Wir sammeln personenbezogene Daten wie Name, E-Mail-Adresse, Telefonnummer und andere Informationen, die Sie uns freiwillig zur Verfügung stellen. Diese Daten verwenden wir zur Bereitstellung unserer Dienste, zur Kommunikation mit Ihnen und zur Verbesserung unserer Dienste.
Wir geben Ihre personenbezogenen Daten nicht ohne Ihre Zustimmung an Dritte weiter, es sei denn, dies ist gesetzlich vorgeschrieben oder erforderlich, um unsere Rechte zu schützen.
Wir setzen angemessene technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen ein, um Ihre personenbezogenen Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff, Offenlegung, Veränderung oder Zerstörung zu schützen.
Sie haben das Recht auf Zugang zu Ihren personenbezogenen Daten, deren Berichtigung, Löschung oder Einschränkung der Verarbeitung. Wenn Sie diese Rechte ausüben möchten, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Wenn Sie Fragen zu dieser Datenschutzerklärung haben, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter der E-Mail-Adresse privacy@innitech.de.
Um sicherzustellen, dass Eingaben in unseren Formularen durch Menschen und nicht durch automatisierte Bots erfolgen, verwenden wir den Dienst „Google reCAPTCHA“ (Version 3). Anbieter dieses Dienstes ist die Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Irland (nachfolgend „Google“).
Google reCAPTCHA analysiert anhand verschiedener Merkmale, ob die Formulareingabe von einem Menschen oder einem automatisierten Programm erfolgt. Diese Analyse beginnt automatisch, sobald Sie die Website betreten, auf der reCAPTCHA aktiviert ist. Zur Analyse wertet reCAPTCHA verschiedene Informationen aus (z. B. IP-Adresse, Verweildauer auf der Website, Mausbewegungen des Nutzers). Die erhobenen Daten werden an Google übermittelt.
Die reCAPTCHA-Analysen erfolgen vollständig im Hintergrund und sind für den Nutzer weitgehend unsichtbar. Wir haben ein berechtigtes Interesse daran, unsere Website vor missbräuchlicher automatisierter Ausspähung und SPAM zu schützen (Rechtsgrundlage: Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO).
Weitere Informationen zu Google reCAPTCHA sowie die Datenschutzbestimmungen von Google finden Sie unter:
Vaše súkromie je pre nás dôležité. Tieto zásady ochrany osobných údajov vysvetľujú, ako zhromažďujeme, používame a chránime vaše osobné údaje, keď používate naše služby.
Zhromažďujeme osobné údaje, ako sú meno, e-mailová adresa, telefónne číslo a ďalšie informácie, ktoré nám dobrovoľne poskytnete. Tieto údaje používame na poskytovanie našich služieb, komunikáciu s vami a zlepšovanie našich služieb.
Vaše osobné údaje nezdieľame s tretími stranami bez vášho súhlasu, okrem prípadov, keď to vyžaduje zákon alebo je to potrebné na ochranu našich práv.
Používame primerané technické a organizačné opatrenia na ochranu vašich osobných údajov pred neoprávneným prístupom, zverejnením, pozmenením alebo zničením.
Máte právo na prístup k vašim osobným údajom, ich opravu, vymazanie alebo obmedzenie spracovania. Ak chcete uplatniť tieto práva, kontaktujte nás.
Ak máte akékoľvek otázky týkajúce sa týchto zásad ochrany osobných údajov, kontaktujte nás na e-mailovej adrese privacy@innitech.de.
Zhromažďujeme osobné údaje ako meno, e-mailová adresa, telefónne číslo a ďalšie informácie, ktoré nám dobrovoľne poskytnete pri využívaní našich služieb.
Osobné údaje zhromažďujeme na poskytovanie našich služieb, komunikáciu s vami a zlepšovanie našich služieb.
Máte právo na prístup k vašim osobným údajom, ich opravu, vymazanie alebo obmedzenie spracovania. Ak chcete uplatniť tieto práva, kontaktujte nás na adrese privacy@innitech.de.
Aby sme zabezpečili, že zadávanie údajov do našich formulárov prebieha človekom, a nie automatizovanými botmi, používame službu „Google reCAPTCHA“ (verzia 3). Poskytovateľom tejto služby je Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Írsko (ďalej len „Google“).
Google reCAPTCHA analyzuje na základe rôznych faktorov, či formulár vyplnil človek alebo automatizovaný program. Táto analýza prebieha automaticky pri vstupe na webstránku, kde je reCAPTCHA aktívna. Na analýzu reCAPTCHA vyhodnocuje rôzne informácie (napr. IP adresu, dĺžku času stráveného na stránke, pohyb myši používateľa). Získané údaje sa prenášajú do spoločnosti Google.
Analýzy vykonávané reCAPTCHA prebiehajú na pozadí a sú pre používateľa takmer neviditeľné. Máme oprávnený záujem chrániť našu webovú stránku pred zneužívaním automatizovanými programami a SPAMom (právny základ: článok 6 ods. 1 písm. f GDPR).
Ďalšie informácie o Google reCAPTCHA a zásadách ochrany osobných údajov spoločnosti Google nájdete na: